Patienten Info

Men's Health Clinic – Männergesundheit im Fokus.

Men's Health Clinic at Hospital CERAM Marbella offers an innovative concept of health care designed by medical experts for males. Managing your health is our mission.

Therefore we have have put together a team of medical experts who have extensive training in their medical specialty gained in various international hospitals and clinics and who are committed to research and the introduction of technological advances in their daily practice in order to offer a diagnosis and personalized treatment and solve the patients pathology with maximum efficiency.

We have a clear objective: to identify and treat personal health risks. Early detection and early treatment of health problems, are the pillars of our strategy.

All doctors and staff speak Spanish and English fluently (some doctors speak German, Rumanian, Russian, we provide information on request):

  • Dr Erik Schulten - Urologe und Androloge, Sexual Transmitted Deseases
  • Dr Gundula Schnabl - Urologe, Androloge und Urologie der Frau
  • Prof Dr Ulf Tunn - Urologie, Prostatic Deseases
  • Dr Manuela Reisbeck - Innere Medizin und Allgemeinmedizin
  • Dr Yovanka Manojlovic - Ästhetische Medizin, Sport Medizin, Ernährung und Anti-Aging
  • Dr Nestor Pissano - Haartransplantation
  • Dr Christoffer Ingves - Plastische und Rekonstruktive Chirurgie
  • Dr Antonio Pascual Vergara - Rheumatologie
  • Lidia Martínez Suárez - Klinische Psychologie, Sexologie
  • Carmen Ortíz Fajardo - Psychologie
  • Bernardo Ruíz Victoria - Klinische Psychologie, Suchtbehandlung Alkohol, Nikotin und andere drogen, Suchtverhalten im Allgemeinen
  • Judith Benchimol - Pflege
  • Nicole Czahar - Sekretärin und Public Relations